Film Production for professional video maker
Generating a film for self promotion, training, product engagement, marketing or entertainment all require a similar process to what goes into the average short film produced for one of the many film festivals held across Australia. Whether amateur or a professional video maker the process has a number of elements to facilitate achieving the best results.
Halyucinations Studios has shot films for festivals in Australia and Germany. We also created a promotional film for the Ministry of Peace in Australia that was taken to the World Peace Conference in Japan by the head of the Australian ministry and ultimately distributed in 30 countries. This short film documented the movement’s activities in promoting peace as a political alternative and included footage of the World Peace Day celebrations in Sydney, a musical concert in Victoria Park, and a political forum held in Parliament House in Sydney, filmed by Halyucinations Studios. If you are making a short film, we recommend submission to the NAFA short Film Festival held in August at The Ritz Cinema in Sydney.
How Film Production works for the video maker?
The process usually involves some initial consultancy for the project, followed by creating story boards, bringing on board supporting technicians (sound, cameramen, crew, lighting), identifying locations, finding acting talent, building a shooting schedule, and sequencing; then getting all these element together in the chosen locations, shooting the scenes and logging the clips. That is just the video maker’s travels to acquire a video recording.
What is involved in Post-production /editing footage?
After loading the footage, editing the material, applying effects, credits, logos it is then rendered into the web video format or digital video media required. Exporting it to the final media be that dvd burn or streaming web videos. Then let’s never forget ensuring that everyone is paid before the final goods are delivered.
For more information on how we facilitate this exciting and complex process, please view this detailed Case Study of the making of a short film production for NAFA Productions, When Kane Was Abel.
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