
Hav­ing start­ed as a free­lancer and been doing so for  a cou­ple of decades now.  She runs mul­ti­ple busi­ness­es and is a film­mak­er that “makes Mon­ey!” . In the last cou­ple of decades she has nev­er been an employ­ee and has been, in her own words, been a “Slashy” all her life.  By that we mean an Writer “slash” cam­era-per­son “slash”  film­mak­er “slash” pro­duc­er “slash” direc­tor. I think you get the gist.

Humble beginnings

As a teenag­er she start­ed as a Cam­era assis­tant despite being a female but advan­taged by the fact that she was the only per­son who turned up for the role.  So the pro­duc­er some­what reluc­tant­ly took her on and her mem­o­ry of it was that she learnt to stick up for her­self and has done so ever since.  She found her­self attract­ed to the appar­ent glam­our of Direct­ing until she did a Tele-movie.  An aggres­sive­ly unpleas­ant Pro­duc­er taught her that the Direc­tor has no real pow­er.  So she swapped straight away to Producing.

Two Shot

Nowa­days she runs a few pro­duc­tion com­pa­nies one of which, is “Two shot media” which she has had since 1994.  She also start­ed anoth­er com­pa­ny called “Free­lance suc­cess” which is ded­i­cat­ed to mak­ing a lead in the Arts.   Her third com­pa­ny which she described as the one that feeds her soul — (As opposed to the more finan­cial lucra­tive ones that feed her body) is the pro­duc­tion house — “Girl­house Films”.  This com­pa­ny has recent­ly released a short film called “Les­bians on the Loose” and has a fea­ture film titled “Hand­bag” in Pro­duc­tion. Mon­i­ca has been mak­ing a liv­ing as a film­mak­er since 1993 and nowa­days her rep­u­ta­tion has kept the busi­ness flow­ing.  In her own words “mon­ey tends to find her.”.  Her bread and but­ter although is doc­u­men­taries and these sup­port her non-prof­it film mak­ing as well as the 60 free­lancers she uses to pro­duce her films and do work for her.

Freelance success

Free­lance suc­cess” was cre­at­ed to aid peo­ple in the Arts to make a liv­ing espe­cial­ly as she found that tra­di­tion­al Busi­ness mod­els didn’t real­ly work for Cre­ative per­son­al­i­ties. Tra­di­tion­al Busi­ness mod­els, she said, were goods or ser­vice based and the ser­vice ele­ment presents as a very objec­tive idea of a Ser­vice.  Your per­son­al­i­ty and cre­ativ­i­ty which is the heart and soul of the Artist are usu­al­ly not acknowl­edged in tra­di­tion­al Busi­ness mod­els. Tra­di­tion­al Busi­ness mod­els are not per­son­al­i­ty direct­ed.   While she acknowl­edges that being “busi­ness like” in how we run our­selves is essen­tial,  tra­di­tion­al mod­els don’t real­ly work for non-con­formist cre­ative  types. “Free­lance suc­cess” is designed to devel­op busi­ness mod­els that do sup­port Cre­ative per­sons who wish to be finan­cial­ly suc­cess­ful.  “Free­lance suc­cess” went glob­al in 2006 with a five book deal and speak­ing engage­ments through­out Aus­tralia, the UK, Cana­da and the US.

Go Global

In regards to going Glob­al, Mon­i­ca sug­gest­ed, you can’t get rich here — you have to go Glob­al — even if it is from the com­fort of your own web page.  The inter­net pro­vides you with glob­al income pos­si­bil­i­ty. Remem­ber that YOU are the answer to some­one else’s prob­lem. Mak­ing loads of movies is eas­i­er now then it used to be as tech­nol­o­gy has, for exam­ple, made film pro­duc­tion more acces­si­ble Film is a Glob­al medi­um and can be wide­ly dis­trib­uted.  Sell­ing your film or script doesn’t require pro­longed pitch­es or descrip­tions.  In fact some­times short and pow­er­ful can give you a wider audi­ence then you might expect.  Writ­ers can make a for­tune over­seas because Pro­duc­tion com­pa­nies are keen to get scripts.  But don’t send unso­licit­ed scripts.  Get their inter­est first.  A phone can reach across the plan­et.  Use one.